It's time for a better AWS dashboard

Simple. Beautiful. Intuitive. For serverless developers.

Built on the AWS API: runs locally, no setup required.
Bref Dashboard


Explore application logs

Browse CloudWatch logs for all your application in a single screen.

Search for anything and tail logs in real time. JSON data is nicely formatted and errors are highlighted.

Found the error? Click the line to see all the logs from the same invocation.

Dig in the metrics

Get an overview of errors, costs, traffic and response time of your application at once.

Focus on a Lambda function and check the metrics that matter: minimum, average, percentiles, cold starts...

Monitor RDS databases

Check the status of RDS databases and quickly copy their configuration settings.

Get a quick glance at their health via average and maximum CPU usage and connection count.

Bref Dashboard RDS monitoring

Pilot SQS queues and workers

Monitor SQS queues and their messages. Quickly inspect failed messages in dead letter queues.

Clear messages or re-queue them into the main queue in a few clicks.

Manage SSM secrets

Don’t store passwords and API tokens in plaintext config: use AWS SSM. Create and retrieve SSM secrets in a single screen.

Bref Dashboard SSM secrets

Multi-regions and accounts

Switch between CloudFormation stacks across AWS regions and profiles, and add some of them to your favorites.

Select AWS CloudFormation stack, region and profile

Manage S3 buckets

Lost a file? Not sure if the upload worked? Browse S3 buckets and open files with a click.

How it works

The Bref Dashboard is not a SaaS: it's an application running on your computer. Here's why:

From your computer to your AWS account
There is no "Man in The Middle": the application connects directly to your AWS account. No data leaves your computer.
Uses the official AWS API, like the aws CLI
The Bref Dashboard uses the official AWS SDK for JavaScript: all actions are done through the AWS HTTP API.
Authenticates through IAM
Permissions are managed via IAM. The Bref Dashboard behaves just like the official aws CLI: it automatically uses permissions from the ~/.aws/credentials file.
Nothing to install in your AWS account
Everything is read from the AWS API: you don't need to install anything in your AWS account. You can start using the Bref Dashboard with any AWS account.

Read more about Bref Dashboard and AWS permissions in the documentation. The source code of the application is not public, but if your company policy requires an audit, get in touch:

Simple pricing

Get started and invite team members at any time.

Monthly plan
15 €/user/month
VAT excluded
  • 15 days free trial
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited AWS accounts
  • MacOS, Windows and Linux support
Yearly plan
150 €/user/year
VAT excluded
  • 15 days free trial
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited AWS accounts
  • MacOS, Windows and Linux support

Are you a solo developer? Get Bref Dashboard at only 90€/year: use the coupon SOLODEV during checkout.

Sales are processed securely by Paddle and Stripe.

Ready to get started?

Download and run the application, no setup in AWS is required. 15 days free trial.

Happy users of the Bref Dashboard since 2021!

Gaultier Boniface CTO @ Enoptea

We've been using Bref on multiple Symfony apps and the Bref Dashboard simplifies a lot the monitoring and management.

Kevin Cerro

Frequently asked questions

Will it install anything in the AWS account?
Does the Dashboard support multiple AWS regions?
Does the Dashboard support multiple AWS accounts?
Yes. The Dashboard detects all existing AWS profiles configured on your machine, which can contain credentials to different accounts. You can jump between CloudFormation stacks of different AWS accounts.
Which IAM permissions are required?
Short answer: it can be whatever you want, the dashboard will only be able to access what is configured in IAM. However, some minimal permissions are required, more details in the Bref Dashboard documentation.
Is SSO authentication supported?
Yes, AWS profiles using SSO are supported.
Is multi-factor authentication supported?
Yes, AWS profiles with MFA enabled are supported.
Is IAM Assume Role supported?
Can the dashboard be self-hosted as a web app?
Not at the moment, but this may be possible in the future. Get in the waitlist:
    What about Bref?
    Bref is an open-source project and is completely free. The Bref Dashboard is a separate product (created by the author of Bref) and is NOT required to use Bref. It just works well with it :)

    More questions? Get in touch: